Sims 4 Polygamy 2fmultiple Marriages Mod

You may have heard of the Sims Legacy Challenge and spin off Uglacy, Prettacy, Riskacy, and Rainbowcy challenges, The Family Man a.k.a. Who’s Your Daddy? Challenge, The Gold Digger Challenge, the Bachelor Challenge, the Asylum Challenge, and the Orphanage Challenge. Welcome! You have somehow stumbled upon a Sims 3 Polygamy challenge. I actually thought that I invented this myself, but a quick google search proved me wrong… someone else actually thought of it already!

  1. Sims 4 Polygamy Mods
  2. Polyamorous Mod Sims 4
  3. Sims 4 Polygamy 2fmultiple Marriages Mods

I got this idea after reading a bunch of autobiographies about people who practiced the Mormon faith with the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints. Imagine: modern day arranged marriages, child brides, and one man living with many wives and children under one roof. Sounds the makings of great reality TV… or an interesting Sims legacy challenge!

Mods Add Teen Pregnancy, Incest and Polygamy. Mods allow players to add nearly anything they want to The Sims 4 —and this includes stuff that could be considered to be on the more on the. There is a sims 4 polygamy mod/polyamory mod/multiple marriages and relationships and no jealousy! The no jealousy is on the link below the video (on the blog) and if you check out the blog or video there is a mod for polygamy. Sims polyamory; sims 4 polygamy mod; Sims 4 Polyamory Mod. Sims 4 Mods Add Teen Pregnancy, Incest and Polygamy Mods allow players to add nearly anything they want to The Sims 4 —and this includes stuff that could be.

Here are the rules:
First, you will need to download several mods including the multiple marriage mod, the no jealousy mod, the teen pregnancy mod, and the mod that allows for more than eight occupants within one house.

1.) In this religion, the man will not go to heaven unless he has three wives so you will start with the legacy founder and his three wives. Alternately, you may start with just your founder and he can marry townies as the game progresses.

2.) The more sims you marry and move in, the more points you get… and mouths you have to feed. No money cheats after you’ve created the house the way you want it and started playing.

Sims 4 Polygamy 2fmultiple Marriages Mod

3.) The more children you father, the more points you get… and mouths you have to feed.

4.) The patriarch must divide his time amongst his wives equally, showing no favoritism. Each wife has her own day to be loved on a scheduled rotation so no woo hoo with other wives on that wife’s day. (Kissing and hugging is fine though.) Your sim must woo hoo with the wife who is scheduled for that day at least once, if he fails to do so because he is in a bad mood, you lose points. Force the wife to nag her husband. If she’s the one in a bad mood, she can swap days with one of her sister wives.

5.) Pick a holy day. If you choose Saturday for example, your sim may not go to work on that day, too bad if you lose your job. His wives are not allowed to get jobs though they can earn money by playing guitar for tips, writing, painting, photography, mooching, selling collectables, whatever.

6.) You must have at least one child with every spouse. Negative points for every wife who does not bare fruit.

7.) On the holy day, you must tithe to the temple. If you have the good trait, send a donation to a charity. Otherwise, use a money cheat to reduce the family funds by 10%.

8.) No watermelon and apple cheats. Let the gender of the children remain random.

9.) There are two ways to play. Option one is to kick out all the sons as soon as you are able to do so. All daughters must stay members of the household. Right before the patriarch dies, move in his best and most trusted friend or create a new sim after he dies and move him in. The new patriarch is married to all of the former patriarch’s daughters and his wives, too, and he cannot kick them out. The other option is to have the firstborn son be the next heir and all his brothers are kicked out as soon as they are of age. As soon as his sisters reach puberty, they must get married and leave the household. Now the son must begin his quest to find wives. Remember, he must have at least three.

10.) No aging up early. You can use birthday cakes if you like, but only if the child is at 0 days until aging up.

11.) If there was a baby girl born to the former patriarch just before he passed, that baby is also one of the new patriarchs wives. She doesn’t have to fulfill any marital duties until she reaches adulthood though (or teens if you’re opting to use a adult-teen relations mod). But she must still bare a child for the new patriarch before he dies of old age or it counts against you in the points below.

Optional rules

  • There are bans on particular foods and the sims consider technology evil so they don’t use TV, computers, or phones.
  • The sims must dress modestly and wear head scarves.

The challenge ends when the second patriarch dies and a third is chosen.

  • +10 points for each wife.
  • +10 points for each child born and raised to young adulthood.
  • +5 points for each skill that children raise to at least 3 before young adulthood. If the skill was 0.1% from hitting 3 when they age up, it doesn’t count.
  • +2 points for each point beyond 3 a child earns beyond 3 before reaching young adulthood. (So if a child raised logic to 5 before they aged up to young adult, it would be worth 9 points. 5 for the first 3 points and 4 more for the two points after that). +2 points for every child that ages up to teen on the honor roll and another +2 points for every teen that ages up to young adult on the honor roll. Just having an A isn’t enough, it has to be honor roll.
  • +5 points for every 10,000 simoleons you have at the end of the challenge.
  • +5 points for every career level the patriarchs earn over 4. (So starting at level 5… a maximum of 30 points for reaching level 10). If your sim changes jobs (either willingly or not), count only the career they earned the highest job level in.
  • -10 points for any day the patriarch fails to fulfill his husbandly duties (woohoo). This does not include the day they die. This does include if the patriarch is unable to convince the wife to woohoo with him that day.
  • -10 points for every grade level below C-
  • -50 points for each and every child taken by social services.
  • -10 points if the repo man comes to take your stuff
  • -10 points if any of the patriarch’s wives misbehave in public (getting into fights, flirting with other men, stuff like that). Drop to penalty to -5 if the patriarch catches them doing it and scolds them and they don’t do it again.
  • -20 points for every wife that does not have a child with the current patriarch. This does not apply if the wife is past her childbearing years when a new patriarch is chosen or is not old enough yet to bear children. If any of the former patriarchs wives are still able to bear children, though, the negative counts if the new patriarch fails to have a child with them for whatever reason before they are unable to have children. (Yes, it still counts even if the household is full when the new patriarch is added). The new patriarch just has to wait until there’s room in the household (either from an aging up son of the former patriarch, or one of the older wives dying of old age) before he can start trying for babies.

Sims 4 Polygamy Mods

After 2 decades, IT evolved at geometric progression, security did too and everything is almost up to date, adopting IDS is helpful for every sysadmin. Install libpcap on kali linux. Additional options are:,.The is pretty old, from 1998, the same year in which Snort was initially developed, and was carried out by DARPA, it concluded such systems were useless before modern attacks. Snort IDSSnort IDS works in 3 different modes, as sniffer, as packet logger and network intrusion detection system. The last one is the most versatile for which this article is focused.

Ever felt like the universe portrayed in The Sims was a little bit too squeaky-clean? See full list on A modder named BIlly Rand (sic) certainly seems to think so, and thus he has devised a series of mods for The Sims 4, adding stuff like teenage pregnancy, polygamy and sibling marriage, among other things. Perfect if you want to recreate the major houses from Game of Thrones. Aug 05, 2020 Kitty259’s mod features 54 new skin tones for all kinds of sims or aliens. With more than 250,000 downloads of this mod at ModTheSims, the New skins for your Sims and Aliens Set is one of the most popular mods for The Sims 4 in this regard.

5. Polygamy

Polyamorous Relationship Sims 4

Polyamorous Mod Sims 4

Are you bored of jealous Sims smacking each of your other love interests? Wish that your sister-wives could just get along? Want more kids than Bob Marley and make sure everyone's okay with it? This mod is just for you. With the polygamy mod, your Sims are now able to have a relationship with -and marry - more than one person at a time. You can go the Hugh Hefner route and date multiple hot blondes or, if you prefer, you can even enter a group marriage - let your freak flag fly! All without that pesky jealousy getting in the way. You can download polygamy mods at All Sims Mods and Mod The Sims.

Sims 4 Pregnancy Mod


Sims 4 Polyamory Mod Cheats

Sims 4 Polygamy 2fmultiple Marriages Mods

  • Mc command woohoo module. this is the main mod page a link for the specific module is on the main page, I can't give you the direct link and you will need the main module anyway.
  • Mc command woohoo module. this is the main mod page a link for the specific module is on the main page, I can't give you the direct link and you will need the main module anyway.

    @sikatos if you can't get to the woohoo mod directly, PM me, I'll hook you up.
    Try first, but enough people have had trouble getting onto that site that Deaderpool put an alternate woohoo link (via dropbox) on the mod's description page.
    DP's Discord:
  • There is a sims 4 polygamy mod/polyamory mod/multiple marriages and relationships and no jealousy! The no jealousy is on the link below the video (on the blog) and if you check out the blog or video there is a mod for polygamy.
  • There is also a simple cheat for this and it works, I have a friend here who wanted a poly household I suggested this cheat for had her to try.
    You have to use this for all sims in household testingcheats true select sim, type in traits.equip_trait Player it is the trait you get by completing the serial romantic aspiration which makes it so sims do not get jealous of each other.
    'If you could read my mind, I'm pretty sure you'd be traumatized for life'
    Join us on Discord for help with MC Command Center @ Discord
    The latest version of MCCC 3.9.6 go to
  • The Serial Romantic Aspiration helps them not get jealous and the traits noncommittal or romantic help
  • If you ever use one of lostaccount mods you will have tons of different glitches in your game, I think the only one working is his taboo/incest mod, I tried the teen pregnancy it did tons of weird stuff in my game 0-0.
  • If you ever use one of lostaccount mods you will have tons of different glitches in your game, I think the only one working is his taboo/incest mod, I tried the t pr it did tons of weird stuff in my game 0-0.

    MC Command Center plus MC Woohoo (available on a different, adult site.. link is on MC's description page under the word HERE where woohoo is talked about in the list of mods.. or PM the Cheerleader, here. ).
    You (all) might want to edit refs to t. preg. out.. they're very picky about the T for Teen rating, and that kind of talk here is a no-no. Just a friendly heads up.. I've had a warning before (not for THIS subject, but related), don't get their attention. (Not fun, getting on their 'bad' side.)
    MC is updated and safe, and although I haven't looked at the mod(s) shown in this thread, I'm still going to go out on a limb and say if you install MC and woohoo, you're going to be able to do most, if not all, the same things you could with those not-quite-working-right other mods.
    DP's Discord:
  • If you ever use one of lostaccount mods you will have tons of different glitches in your game, I think the only one working is his taboo/incest mod, I tried the teen pregnancy it did tons of weird stuff in my game 0-0.

    I can 'second the recommendation' contained in the reply above.
    The MC mods of that nature that I tried work reliably.
    It's a reasonable expectation that the whole package will function correctly based on experience with those I have tried, as well as 'regular' MC Command as a whole.
    The author of all that wizardry is meticulous about his work and maintains it promptly, as in the case of patches which might affect or duplicate any of MC-C's features.
    * * * * *
    EDIT: This was an inside joke / tweak directed at the Hammer chick. she's pretty responsive on these threads unless distracted by that silly business of R. L.
  • We need better buttons. @Miki I was torn between Insightful and Awesome. I wanna push 'em BOTH!
    DP's Discord:

  • Now if you can find the reply button to a couple PMs on the subject from a couple days ago.
  • Now if you can find the reply button to a couple PMs on the subject from a couple days ago.

    You're being VERY generous with that 'couple days'
    Yup, you're right, too. Lemme catch my breath, I have one thing I need to write up this morning, and there is a shower in my VERY near future, but I've had some sleep recently, and when I get on top of this AM's list (such as it is), I'll hit you up.
    Procrastination is a huge failing of mine. Could be my middle name.
    DP's Discord:
  • You've GOT to teach me that color trick. I love it, but I don't know how to DO it (here). Clue? Pretty please?
    DP's Discord:
  • BBCode dear.
    The Drakester said she would (schedule permitting I am sure) put together a post with some of the more useful BBCode entries one might use to liven up their posts. She actually wrote that to a post from partner Kimmy in which she did write how to underline.
    Generous with the two days? Indeed I am. I'm nothing if not blunt.
    Anyway no Awesomes or Insightfuls required.
    I simply calls 'em as I sees 'em with respect to MC_C and its relatives.
    . It is more than just fixing bad side effects of patches, it is for anyone who wants some story progression for their unplayed townie or premade households. It can assist as much or as little as a player wants and once one plays one of those households, the mod leaves them alone by design. From there on the player decides what they do and don't do.
    I simply wanted to add my 'endorsement' as a third party player on the topic.